Wednesday 11 January 2012

More About The Effect of Fear

What I have found is simply a new article about how they are sending soldiers to help the police patrol the streets. It is especially needed because of some events or holidays that are coming up, and so they need to the extra help do to increases in crime. (Although it does not say that, I am assuming that is so.) This is way out of the box, but I just think that anything that has to do with military has some theme of or about unifying power of love. It is necessary for a country to feel this way with its military, so it is more effective and powerful. Because there are soldiers in this article, and they are helping patrol, that is where I got this. Now the effect of fear is the REASON the soldiers need to patrol these streets, and help the officers. It is the increase in crime, which makes the fear increase as well.
This is like the book, and how the streets are crowed and full of crime. I just have this picture of chaos and danger in my mind, and not very much safety. It would seem like it would have been, at the time of the book, a good idea to have soldiers patrolling the streets with police officers. I know it would make me feel much better about being out and about in the city. When Mr. Kumalo had his money taken, and there was a soldier present in order to stop crime, then it could have been a totally different situation. Especially if the soldier were to see it happen, and do something about it. I do think that there is evidence of needing fear and love to help SA. I feel it is the lack of love that has created the dangers and fear in the first place, and I do think that fear is necessary for change, because it will give a reason and a desire to do so.

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